State Tax

If people are leaving a state, should you go there?

If people are leaving a state, should you go there?

Dr. Fischer is a long time financial analyst and strategist with decades of Wall Street experience. Here are his thoughts on the stunning outmigration happening in California.
3 min read
Can California kill the Golden Goose?

Can California kill the Golden Goose?

Among the tax fights in Washington, none has been more heated than the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction. But
4 min read
New regulation jolts Crypto out of cloud

New regulation jolts Crypto out of cloud

The mystery in crypto is about to go away. The IRS will know who owns what and at what price. It’s much less fun to invest that way. And we should expect the IRS to aggressively move to issue regulations and enforce them.
3 min read
The Urban Exodus – Yes they will come back. No they won’t.

The Urban Exodus – Yes they will come back. No they won’t.

Dr. Philip Fischer shares his thesis that risk analysis we use now is not sufficiently sensitive to technological development. The risk to the cities from Covid-19 depopulation is actually much greater than is generally assumed.
4 min read
Symmetry 2020 and its Risks: Perspectives on the Year Ahead

Symmetry 2020 and its Risks: Perspectives on the Year Ahead

Welcome to Symmetry in 2020 and its Risks, a special audio presentation from eBooleant Consulting. Dr. Philip Fischer, former head of fixed income and municipal bond strategy for Bank of America, looks beyond the Middle East and finds 2020 to be challenging and uncertain.
17 min read